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"You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note." -Doug Floyd
Although I've been a blogger for over 10 years, this is my first "style blog." I write for fun; I'm retired, and blogging is more of a hobby for me. Therefore, there are a number of way in which I deviate from most of my sort-of colleagues.
Since it's Monday evening, and I'm feeling lazy, I'll outline our differences (and similarities) via -GASP!- bullet points. (I did a number of conference presentations as a teacher/librarian, relying mainly on images to present or reinforce my ideas. Bullet points were considered the kiss of death for an engaging presentation!)
- This is not my job or a source of income.
- No freebies for me! Established style bloggers are frequently gifted with fashion items. They aren't requited to give positive reviews, however they do feature the items on their postings. I certainly wouldn't turn down a free piece of jewelry or clothing, but I don't anticipate this happening any time soon.
- No Instagram. Most style bloggers have Instagram accounts and sometimes YouTube channels. Not ruling this out.
- Some have professional photographers. I've been mining my Flickr account for relevant images (Note: when I use images that are not my own, I make sure of the copyright status. And I ALWAYS cite my sources. Once a librarian...)
- Budget. Where do these women get the money to spend hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars on events like the Nordstrom sale?!!! Not happening on my Social Security, Teachers' pension checks.
- Opportunities to dress up. Even though I have plenty of accessories, I rarely make use of them when I am babysitting my grandkids or popping in to Target. It is fun to jazz things up a bit when I meet my high school classmates for our monthly breakfasts or head out to dinner with friends.
- Shopping online for clothes. Sizing is tricky for a 70ish petite but not skinny lady. I am much more successful when I visit local stores for a try and buy.
- I only go so far with "containment." Smoothers, Spanx, etc. are not usually included in my repertoire. I do find flat waistbands to be more flattering for my body type.
- Thrifting. I do need to explore this option a bit more, since it frequently figures in the blogs I read. I have had some successes with eBay purchases.
- Nothing too costumey. The Boho look I loved in college doesn't really work well with my age and height. I still love some of the patterns and colors this style features, but a volume of fabric swamps my (shrinking?) frame.
- Some fads are good, some a miss for me. I will never buy slashed jeans and I'm not a fan of frayed hems.
- I don't have a stylist or receive style boxes.
- No professional logo, widgets, layout here. I'm just a basic blogger.
Although my blog is not your typical offering, I appreciate fashion, admire the work that style bloggers put into their postings, and sometimes adapt what I see to my low-key life.
“Our similarities bring us to a common ground; our differences allow us to be fascinated by each other.” -Tom Robbins
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